Thursday, June 21, 2007

Second Interview Tomorrow!

Hello everyone!
We received some good news today....our second visa interview is tomorrow, and we will pick up her visa on Monday, and then we are homeward bound! Watch out Cincinnati, here we come!
We have contacted our travel agent and he is going to try to book us on a flight Monday evening, right after we pick up her visa. So, since we are going to be here for another weekend, we are going to switch hotels to a hotel that has a pool so we can beat the heat that way.

Lyla had her medical exam today and everything went well. Of course, she wasn't happy about people poking on her, but she handled it like a little lady. We found out that she weighs a whopping 18 pounds, in which I would bet a couple of those pounds she has put on since being with us :) We are thrilled to have a light at the end of the tunnel and know that we will be seeing all of our family very soon!

No pictures this time...sorry.


kimmi/nate said...


So glad this wait is almost over. I can't wait to see you guys. I can't wait to kiss Lyla's toes-Tiff you know what I'm talking bout girrrrl. You guys have a good time at your new hotel-kick back and cool off in the pool. Home is just around the corner.


kimmi/nate said...


Mom/Dad could never figure out what I was talking about when I mentioned your blog, and they are constantly asking me if I have heard from you's why:

you have the email address wrong
it's not reebz@netzero
it's rhebz@netzero.

They have not seen anything you guys have posted on here. I did send them the blog from my email so hopefully they will now see what I have been talking about.

